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If you still use Reznor OB unit heaters to maintain workabletemperatures at your place of business, you are not alone. Though thesemachines were discontinued by the company in 2006, many continue to effectivelyheat garages, warehouses and other large commercial spaces to this day. Evenwith an 18-gauge steel heat exchanger, 13-gauge combustion chamber and otherdurability features, replacing worn parts with new replacements is oftennecessary to maintain peak performance and extend the lifespan of yourequipment. At Parts4Heating, we help business owners, homeowners, maintenanceteams and heating professionals across the country get the most out of theirReznor heating systems by providing direct access to quality Reznor heatingsystem parts.
When the heat stops working, there is no time to sit on holdwith manufacturers or waste trips to big box stores that likely don’tunderstand the issues that you’re having. Keep your place of business comfortableand protect operational continuity by ordering Reznor BO heating system partsonline from Parts4Heating. We make it easy to find what you need. Search bypart number or name – or contact our customer service professionals for personalassistance. Whether you have an OB95, OB140 or OB190 model, you canfind the specific parts that your project requires here on our website.
Struggling to Find Your Parts? Contact Our Experienced& Educated Customer Service Team.
Email us and include a photo of your heater model plate andthe old part you want to replace [email protected] orlive chat with a member of our team here on our website, and of course, Call usat (800) 536-1582 to find the exact Reznor OBheating system parts that you need.
Our customer service team is available Monday throughFriday, 8 am – 4 pm EST.