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Honeywell L4008A1205 Operating Control
Temperature Control used on these models:
AP0500, AP0715, AP0850, AP1010, AP1200, AP1670,
AP2450, AP2800, AP3050, AP3200, AP3500, AP3600,
AP4000, AP4050, AP4500, AP5000, HH0175, HH0250,
HH0325, HH0400, HH0500, HH0600, HH0715, HH0850,
HH1010, HH1200, HH1430, HH1670, HH1825, HH2000,
HH2200, HH2450, HH2800, HH3050, HH3200, HH3500,
HH3600, HH4000, HH4050, HH4500, HH5000, IW0500,
IW0850, IW1430, JVH050, JVH075, JVH100, JVH125,
JVH160, JVH225, JVS050, JVS075, JVS100, JVS125,
JVS160, JVS225, JVT050, JVT075, JVT100, JVT125,
JVT160, JVT225, MCH075, MCH100, MCH125,
MCS050, MCS075, MT2800, MT3050, MT3200, MT3500,
MT3600, MT4000, MT4500, MT5000, PH0175, PH0250,
PH0325, PH0400, PH0500, PH0600, PH0715, PH0850,
PH1010, PH1200, PH1430, PH1670, PH1825, PNCH0500,
PNCH0750, PNCH1000, PNCH1250, PNCH1500,
PNCH1750, PNCH2000, PNCV0500, PNCV0750,
PNCV1000, PNCV1500, PNCV2000, PW0175, PW0250,
PW0325, PW0400, PW0500, PW0600, PW0715, PW0850,
PW0999, PW1010, PW1200, PW1430, PW1670, PW1825,
VW0175, VW0250, VW0325, VW0400, VW0500, VW0600,
VW0715, VW0850, VW1010, VW1200, VW1430, VW1670,
VW1825, VW2000, VW2200, VW2450, VW2800, VW3050,
VW3200, VW3500, VW3600, VW4000, VW4050, VW4500, VW5000.
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